July 19, 2005

Do you honestly think..

Do you honestly think that I am going to reveal my ACTUAL security measures in public?

Commenter Ernunnos writes:

Pig fat? What's that about?

What kind of armor are you wearing in 114 degree Arizona heat? Do you wear trauma plate, and if so, how do you deal with the public? What's your home surveillance situation? Do you have run-flats on your car? A car-minder? Been to Bondurant? Can you spot a tail? Are you varying your routine? Do you have someone to ride shotgun? How are they armed and armored?

Now, how are you providing these same measures to your loved ones, and convincing them that they're necessary?

Guns are great, but there's a hell of a lot more to addressing a serious threat than strapping on a gun and thumping your chest.

Pig fat. Jesus.

Ok first things first. Theres rhetoric and hyperbole, and then there's serious security. I post pictures of the guns, and talk about pig fat etc.. as fun, as stress relief, and as a great big "FUCK YOU" to liberal bed wetters and islamofucks everywhere.

But did you really think that was all I was doing?

I mean I've been a security consultant for years for fucks sake. Yes I mostly do IT work (its easier and the money is frequently better) but I still do physical and electronic security work. My last private security contract was late last year asctually. When I wasnt such a lardass I did protective work on the side. Hell even when I was starting to be a lardass, it's only in the last three years that I stopped (when I came back from Ireland).

Ok I can understand, people dont read my web site, they dont read my blog etc... they don't know me, and they don't know who I am, they jsut see the picture of me with the big gut and they assume I'm some dumb fat redneck with a gun.

I guess that's just to my advantage really. It's generally good to be understimated.

I mean seriously, do you really think I'm stupid enough to show my full capabilities, my full load out, or my real protective measures?

Did you not notice I said I was taking standard AT/AK precautions. Do I need to spell out the fact that I know what those are?

The terrorists know what those are too, it's not like publishing them is giving anything away.

People accuse me often (and with justification) of over explaining everything, and that it makes me sound like I'm trying to prove I know it. It's actually just a habit I got into when I was talking about things that 90% of the people around me didn't understand, when I was younger; and I find it hard to break out of.

In this case I figured that anyone who knew what they were on about would know what I was talking about, and that anybody else wouldnt care.

There is a huge difference between public outrage, and private preparation. I guess people are so used to dealing with completely unaware idiots and tactical tommies that they just assume everyone else is one as well.

Ok, lets address some of his questions directly, since they won't compromise my security any, anyway.

What do I drive...

A modified BMW with sealing foam in the tires, and extended mobility extra stiff sidewalls (not a true runflat, no reinforcing disks, but I'll get a couple miles out of it). No armor though. I'd rather retain the speed and maneuverability vs the weight and expense. Does it have the capability to get me out of trouble (if theres room to maneuver anyway)? Absolutely.

Do I know how to drive it...

Very much so. I've been to Bondurants a couple times for different courses, and Barber, and CDA, and PDS (it's fun doing J's and 'leggers in a limo, and yes you CAN four wheel drift a 'burb, but I don't recommend it).

I also autocross, and I ice raced when I lived in New England, which helpos me understand the limits and techniques of control and agressive maneuvering.

I've driven a few BP/BR vehicles before (I actually know a guy who builds them. Fascinating process), and I understand their handling, and what they can effectively protect against; which is why I don't want one, unless the threat against me becomes far more serious. I dont think that is necessary.

Body armor...

I don't bother with armor. If it is effective enough against the likely threat (7.62x39 at close range), then its too heavy and hot to use effectively in my day to day life (as you point out). I actually have a level 3 vest around (or I did, I think ti was in the storage unit) , but I'm not so worried about pistol threats.

Oh and yes, they do make body armor in my size, and I wasn't always this fat.

A side note: This weight is a relatively recent developement after knee and ankle injuries and an enforced sedentary lifestyle ... well enforced it a strong word, it was just very difficult not to be because of my schedule and responsiblities. I'm workin on chainging that.

Anyway, back to the armor question... Lord knows I can't wait to see what they come up with from the silk protein experiments. If they can get those goats to make enough, thats strong enough, it could change the whole field.

Yes, I do take this one seriously, and yes I do know what I'm doing.

As I said Some people just don't understand the difference between reality and angry hyperbole. I find having to say"I know what I'm doing" all the time fucking irritating, but if I dont/ people just assume that I don't, which is god damned irritating.


Okay so, taking this threat seriously, what are my ads and disads (anyone with half a brain can figure this stuff out, I'm not compromising my security any further by talking about it).


1. Out of shape (severely), makes it more difficult to run and hide (hiding is better than fighting in most situations). This also make me a more noticible target.
2. Limited set of fixed locations in my life, with varying degrees of defensibility, especially in the approaches
3. Single vehicle
4. No armor
5. Limited intel
6. Limited backup
7. Limited E&E resources (lots of options, not a lot of ways to execute them)
8. Limited budget
9. Friends
10. Family

What are my advantages

1. Determination. I'm fighting for my life, they are fighting for an abstract ideal. Of course some peopel dont fight very hard for their lives, which I will never understand. I dont underestimate the power of religious fanatacism, but I'm pretty fanatcial about my own skin. I'm even more fanatical about my friends and family.

2. Time: Unless they are going for a quick smash raid, or an ambush (both distinct possiblities), it takes time to plan, time to gather intel, time to travel, and time to execute. All of this time means more chances of being caught. They can reduce the time necessary by involving more people, but that increases the chances of a leak even more than the value of the reduced time


3. Resources... or rather their lack thereof. If they are going to run an extended op, they would have to be well financed. In a job like this, if you want to make sure of the job, you'll need at least 3 people, and I'd go with at least 4, and preferably six (point, two wings, two outriding flankers, driver). Getting them here, getting them set up, providing them with weapons and transportation SECURELY, those are all relatively expensive. There are more important targets than me...

Which actually brings up my biggest disadvantage. There ARE more important targets than me, which means I'm not really worried about a team of Palestinians hitting me.

What I AM worried about is one crazy aryan Iranian.

You cant be alert all the time, it isnt possible. I dont have the money for a PPT, and honestly I wouldnt want to live my life that way anyway. It's relatively easy to be alert against a large threat, but the smaller threats are almost impossible to protect against.

And he could be a sniper. Or a roadside bomber. Theres no defense against that.

Last and final rule of principal protection:

You can't stop a single fanatic, from killing a single target, if they are willing to trade their life. If they are smart enough (and it doesn't take that much), dedicated enough, and have enough time, they WILL succeed. All you can do is mitigate that risk, or hope that overwhelming protection will cause them to waste their life before reaching the principal.

Well like I said, I don't have overwhelming protection.

Am I scared...

No I'm not. I probably should be, but I'm not. If someone wants to kill me that badly, I'm not afraid of dying... torture I've got a problem with, but dying In dont. Hell, the shit I've pulled I should be dead many times over. I will manage the risks I can manage, I will be as vigilant as I can, I will protect myself as well as I can; if I fail, then I fail.

I'm angry. My family are off limits. My friends are off limits. I CHOSE to do what I did, they are just along for the ride.

I'm angry.

Posted by cbyrne at July 19, 2005 11:02 AM | TrackBack
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