July 19, 2005

And the nominees for best supporting justice are....

John Roberts Jr. ???

Okay, he wasnt on anyones list, and hes never made a ruling in a case I've followed, so I really dont know who he is... and thats the problem.

Of course I wouldn't expect that I would know a lot of federal judges names, and the ones I do it's usually because they are asshats of the first order, but I was really hoping Bush would use this nomination to get a hard fight going.

Basically he hasnt ruled on any cases I was following, or considered important.. or at least if hen has I didnt remember it.

Fellow infidel JohnOC says "Well look at it this way, if you haven't heard of him, it means that he's not one of the ones that Dems have gone out of their way to smear"... which is a good and a bad thing really...

Look I dont really like Bush all that much, but he's a hell of a lot better than anything the dems have had on offer since... ummmm.... I'm thinking real hard here...

My biggest wish for this term, outisde of the GWOT; was that Bush would get to pick two, maybe three supremes (I figured Rhenquist and Kennedy at least. O'Connor wasnt a surprise, but I wasnt sure, The rumors about Ginsberg were completely unexpected to me, I thought she'd wait for a liberal president.), and a hell of a lot of federal judges in general; to maybe take back our constitution somewhat from the lawyers.

Well, it looks like we've got the stupid party backing down all over the place. They hold all the cards, and they dont want to use them for some reason. I dont know what it is... maybe some party hacks are holding them hostage for something...

I want my country back. I want to see 90% of the judicial legacy of the 60's and 70s (everything but straight up civil rights stuff basically) wiped off the map; and we arent going to do it by picking judges that don't piss liberals off..

Honestly, why arent the republicans using this as an opportunity to make the dems look like screaming loonies? That way when it comes time to replace Rhenquist, the Dems have lost all their good face, and political capital fighting the nobody...

Personally, I would have put up someone incredibly qualified, and demographically correct, but who the democrats would be absolutely guarnateed to Bork. There is nothing that could have made them look worse, thus clearing the way for whoever Bush wants for the chief slot... (personal wish, promote Scalia, and replace him with someone even more constructionist).

Okay Sgt. Pundit said it perfectly right here:

"I'm more than a little uneasy about this choice, and besides, I wanted to see Bill Frist and Harry Reid slugging it out on the Senate floor for my own personal amusement. Alas, Roberts will likely be confirmed with only minor opposition, and there lies the problem, if the Dems don't absolutely seeth at the prospect of the President's nominee being confirmed, then chances are the nominee is not the right judge for the job."
Posted by cbyrne at July 19, 2005 07:22 PM | TrackBack
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