March 18, 2005


"I, Christopher Byrne, having been appointed a 2d Lt. in the United States Air Force do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, SO HELP ME GOD."

I took that oath almost nine years ago, and the enlisted mans oath two years before that; and though I don't wear the uniform anymore, I have not renounced that oath. I consider it to still be in force (and so does the government by the way, if I recieve a lawful order from my properly constituted chain of command, I am still legally required to obey it.)

I repeat it to myself on the 4th of July, Veterans Day, and Memorial Day.

It means something; something more than I can ever explain.

The framers pledged "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor", and I have pledged no less.

If you haven't taken the oath, I don't think you can understand; It is both a heavy weight, and a sturdy frame. When you take the oath, if you really understand it, you know it means you have accepted a duty, more important than any other you have taken before, to protect those around you; even more than that, you have taken on a duty to protect our principles, and our way of life. It also means that you know, truly know with absolute certainty, what you should do when presented with certain very critical questions.

"...I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."

All enemies foreign and domestic...

That passage is there for a reason; The framers of our government, who first set forth this oath in 1778, knew that there would be challenges both from within, and from without.

I believe that in these days, we face a greater challenge from within, than we have faced since April, 1861.

The people who have become the establishment of the state, have taken upon themselves more and more of those powers, rights, and priviliges reserved for the states; and for the people; and they are reaching for more every single day.

They have taken upon themselves the power to limit, or to abrogate those rights protected by the constitution.

They have taken upon themselves the power to limit, or to abrogate those rights inherent to us as men.

And we have let them.

It is my duty to support and defend the constitution of the united states, and I have failed in that duty.

If you are reading this, it's very likely you have failed as well.

Every elected official in the federal government has taken a similar oath.
Every federal law enforcement officer has taken a similar oath.
Most state governors have taken a similar oath
Most elected officials in state governments have taken a similar oath.
Most Police officers have taken a similar oath.
Many appointed officials of federal and state governments have taken a similar oath.
Many officials of state and local governments have taken a similar oath.

They have failed their duty, and they have forfeited their honor.

We have all failed, because we have allowed our government to supersede our nation, and our constitution. We have failed because we are not doing everything in our power to reverse these transgressions. We have failed beacuse we have supported, and promoted these transgressions when they serve our own petty interests.

We have failed because we have known what had to be done, and we have not done it.

We have failed, because we are weak, because we are human, and because we have not stood together in our duty.

We have failed in our duty, and in failing we have forfeited our honor.

We have forfeited our honor, because our friends, and our neighbors, and our families all accepted that it was allowable to do so.

We have forfeited our honor because it was easy, and our duty was hard.

I wish to have my honor back.

I wish to do my duty.

I am weak, but I will be strong.

I am alone, but I will not be alone long.

We are weak, but we will be strong.

Let me say this again, loud and clear:




Posted by cbyrne at March 18, 2005 01:32 PM | TrackBack
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