April 05, 2005

TTLB is hosed up - Again

For some reason, my TTLB link counts and seem to be changing randomly. The last few db updates I've had 92 links, 76 links, and now 56 links, and my average daily site visits have shown anywhere from 289 to 650 (according to sitemeter the average is actually 489)

I know for a fact that my links aren't falling off pages that quickly (look at Technorati to show that), and a few others have reported the same thing.

I realize this is something that NZ Bear does out of pure coolness but man; you need some DB or engine help or something.

UPDATE: Okay, now I'm supposedly down to like 40 links. A couple hundred others have noted the same problems, and several dozen people have reported they've been de-listed for no apparent reason. Looking through the link rankings, there do not appear to be ANY blogs that have more than 65 links, but less than 120 links to them.

There are currently less than 120 marauding marsupials (down from about 500), less than 200 adorable rodents (down from like 1000), less than 300 flappy birds (from over 1000); but the lower ranks don't seem to have changed much, and there's been no significant reduction in the total number of blogs listed as far as I can tell. The last time I checked before today it was 18000, and now it's 21000.

Yeah... sumtin wrong there boys.

So to summarize, in 5 days I've gone from 92 links to 40, my rank has gone from 982 to 3247, and I've gone from the upper middle of the marauding marsupials, to the bottom of the flappy birds, along with apparently every blog with between 65 and 120 links.

NZ Bear is apparently on his honeymoon at the moment (congrats to you sir), and understandably he's not responding to email.

Posted by cbyrne at April 5, 2005 12:01 AM | TrackBack
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