April 14, 2005

Two months...

Well, I wrote my first post on this blog two months and a few hours ago.

In that time I've scored about 22,000 unique visitiors, and 41, 000 page fiews. Depending on how many hits I get from this weeks carnival of cordite I'll probably hit the 25,000 mark some time next week.

Unfortunately during this time the TTLB system has become completely useless, and technorati has gotten even more so. Blogger has frutrated my deisres several times, prompting me to consider other options.

Of course all these services are free, so what the hell am I bitching about right?

Y'all have seen some fairly messed up stuff in jsut the last few weeks... stick around, it gets better; or at least more interesting. My life truly is a weirdness magnet.

The plan? Keep crankin out the good stuff, avoiding the bad stuff, and minimizing the mediocre stuff.

Lots of stuff there really.

Cheers guys, hope you're all having fun.

Posted by cbyrne at April 14, 2005 02:44 PM | TrackBack
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