May 31, 2005

Maybe he's not dead yet...

English Man: I'm not dead.

Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.
European Citizen: Yes he is.
English Man: I'm not.
Dead Collector: He isn't.
European Citizen: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
English Man: I'm getting better.

European Citizen: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.

Yesterday i wrote of the death of the English Man; replaced by eurocentric not-men, and welfare babies...

Perhaps I was too hasty, perhaps not; but I say this, I am heartened by these responses from my readers, expecially from Tim and Steve of "An Englishmans Castle" (a very fine blog in it's own right, and a semi-regular read for me; usually off of Kims).

I've been a bit light on the original content here the last few days, with a lot of cutting and pasting of others thoughts, but they are such worthy thoughts how can I not share them here:


Don't worry the real English are still here - your great choice of poems actually point out that it is an age old story of Lions lead by Donkeys, the sophisticates believe that Tommy is too unsophisticated and that civilised people don't fight, it can all be negotiated away.

The lion sleeps, but one day....

The lion sleeps deep, Tim, in fact rather too deeply. I hope he wakes up before this country of mine is too far gone. I don't want any other.
Hi Chris, Sorry you have been insulted by some guy who is not an Englishman. He is probably some foreign geezer trying to wind you up or a scum-bag lefty or an Arab. The real English are still here but a bit thin on the ground! Soldiers only go where they are told and do their duty, which any right thinking person who lives in the real world must understand even if they don’t agree with the politics. The scum bag who insulted you American patriots would not even be here without America’s help during WW2 , when Hitler and Nazi Germany had to be stood up to. (You was a little late in that one but we forgive you) Anyway pacifism does not work, it’s only a temporary stay of the inevitable!

No one agrees with naked aggression but nations and people have to stand up and be counted when attacked, as America was on that terrible day in September four years ago. We could do with a few soldiers on our borders in the UK which are non-existent. The indigenous Brits are leaving our towns and cities like never before over 200,000 per year from London alone over the last few decades.

In England today we the English are very much on the political defence, in our culture and history. The lefties have infiltrated the highest echelons of government and the civil service. Even the BBC is bias against the English. I wrote a piece on the Englishman’s castle blog describing our blight its in the achieves on Tim’s blog dated around May 2nd 2005. It’s called a ‘Nation of Ostriches’ I think it cover very well the sentiments that many true English people feel about how our country is being run down, and overtaken by foreigners, and they not even armed!

God Bless America and England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
A Christian Blessing of course!

Chris Byrne (me):

Actually Steve, I recognize that all Englishmen are not yet "New Internationalists" or "Transnational Progressivists", but I look around and all I see are more and more boys and girls (I hesitate to call them mean and women) sucking from the tit of the nanny state; and abdicating all their responsibility.

In the process they don't seem to notice, or even care, that they are trading away their freedom; and it frightens me.

For gods sakes; who would ever have thought that the Scots would become welfare babies?

Who is left to bring England back?

Terry W:
I'm pleased to report the Englishman is alive and well, and as honourable as ever. The trouble is we are few in number, and it's all a bit disconcerting to be outnumbered by faux-patriotic chavs and bleeding-heart, self-loathing Londoners.

We're all down the pub at the moment, mulling over what to do, or sitting at home reading the papers, letting the anger build. I've heard that lions tend to be rather touchy when woken from a long slumber, so keep your eyes peeled.

Hi Chris, that is the 64,000 dollar question, we do need somebody to pull us as a nation out of this smothering Nanny State mire. But any political big hitters as just not there or they are too scared to put there views in any line of fire.

Just two small examples of state intervention in the last year, that you and other Americans may not be aware of! Hunting with dogs has been banned a tradition that has gone on for centuries. I have no strong views either way as long as they are not infringing on my postage stamp garden. You would think that farmers and country people would know what’s best for them, not the state.

A second issue, the Sparks (electricians) in the UK has just been criminalized from carrying out their trade, since January 1st 2005. A dictate from Europe with the conniving of Tony Blair’s government states that Sparks must now join trade organisations or have town councils surveyors come out and test every single electrical installation!! Sparks with 20, 30 plus years experience have to now put up with this Bollocks.

Electricians who have undertaken an indentured 5 year City & Guilds JIB journeyman apprenticeship count for nothing in the new know it all state. Many will carry on breaking the new bull-shit law. A competent electrician before Jan 1st 2005 Many with decades of experience, so what has changed!

A member of Parliament, a Jenny Tonge the liberal member for Richmond helped push for this. Her daughter was electrocuted by a Fitted Kichen company’s dodgy wiring of a socket a couple of years back. It was not even an electrician who carried out the job! So now the whole of the domestic industry has to suffer. Those who will benefit are the overlords of these new licenses which is a personal interference day to day sparks work. The cost will be around £1000 per year with on the site inspections. Before this a UK qualified spark had complete autonomy over his work. He could issue completion certificates if required. The cost will be passed on to the consumer and it will be like working in a big brother state. Around ten people are electrocuted a year in Britain but no all in the home, some road workers make this toll. We have hundreds in not thousands killed and injured on our roads are we now all to get an individual driving instructors to make our future journeys!

As for the welfare state it’s a good idea for a safety net for those who have contributed in with their national health stamps, and can’t afford to go private. But the whole third world and Eastern Europe are taking advantage of the National Health Service. We are plagued with Health tourists who come here under the pretence of a vacation or to study and they are wiping the floor with the free service their get which puts the indigenous Brit further back on the waiting list say nothing of the mass immigration and asylum that is going on!

PS incidentally Jenny Tonge the Member of Parliament is the same one from a year or two back who said she could understand why Palestinians go out strapped up with their suicide bombings!!!!!! Some fucking Member of Parliament don’t you think.

I am unfortunately aware of both the RIDICULOUSLY ASININE new home improvement and maintenance regulations (and theya re actually worse than Steve is pointing out, thats just one pebble on the mountain), and the even more ridiculously asinine Jenny Tonge.

I swear to you, I never thought that one could ever watch "Yes Minister", and think "If only we were that good".

Posted by cbyrne at May 31, 2005 11:59 PM | TrackBack
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