June 09, 2005

Team Infidel

From out of the west, ride four fat bastards (and one skinny little bastard), stuffed with the flesh of the swine, craving the taste of the fermented (and distilled) barley; and with lust in our hearts, we set forth to right that which is wrong, and fight for truth, justice, and the gun-nut way (and to get a good larf in the process)... We are:
TEAM INFIDEL!!! Fighting Idiotarianism as only REAL MEN can

Do not click on any of these images if you are easily offended
(of course if you ARE easily offended,
what the hell are you doing reading my site???)

Oh and if your speakers are on, turn them down, especially if you are in the office...

(full video, not teaser trailer below)

Work safe; unless you live in California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, Washington D.C. or anywhere in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, central Asia, southeast asia, and the pacific rim.

... or if you are anywhere near a muslim... yeah don't click these anywhere near a Muslim.

Of course a real man doesnt drink alcohol before or while shooting, especially in the desert. The old rule applies, "If you don't gotta piss, you gotta drink"... well after a few hours of that (and about a gallon or so of water)... let's jsut say

Sometimes a Man Needs a Little Relief

Of course that reminds me of that old saying:

"I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire"...
Note To Self... Korans make GREAT kindling...

Here we see the next martyr, preparing for everlasting paradise...

The aftermath was... disturbing...

And when the day was done, and the field carried, we retired for a fine repast of pork and hard liquor, as befits heroes such as ourselves.

Rogues Gallery






Posted by cbyrne at June 9, 2005 11:45 PM | TrackBack
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