July 06, 2005

"This guy does HORRIBLE things to the Koran"

Yes, yes I do... and so do my friends


Someone at a muslim youth group on yahoo has found Team Infidel

From: fAuZi` Date: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:53 pm Subject: This guy does Horrid Things to the Koran. faozhi@...

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Check this website.

Download the videos.
This guys does lots of shameless acts on the Koran. For us it is spell as Quran rite.
Jus to make my fellow brothers and sisters aware of this.

Actually, I've recived surprisingly little negative reaction to it. Almost disappointing really, because I know how most of us freedom and gun lovers who read me every day feel about that stuff, so I'm preaching to the choir as it were. I got a lot of GREAT negatives on some of my other controversial essays, like "Homophobia is Offensive". Great negatives means your message is getting out beyond your social mirror, and into the hostile intellectual world out there.

I want to see your negatives people. I want you to THINK about WHY we did this.

Oh and to all you folks who think I'm just some dumb redneck hick (as if that made any difference), I was born and raised in Boston Massachusetts, attended an MIT youth program for gifted students, and have degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science, with a minor in Advanced Mathematics. I am most definitely not stupid, nor am I ignorant. One of the comments left was "why dont you actually READ it".... well I have read the Koran (or Quran if you will), and I find it's contents to be approximately 50% intersting and 50% vile. I wonder if my commenter had read the book, especially athe various parts about killing, lying, cheating, stealing, rape, murder, etc... were all OK as long as "the infidel" was the victim.

Well I say right up front, we're TEAM INFIDEL, and we are NOT victims. We are telling you right now, that whatever our idiotic communist, america hating press says or does, WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR SENSIBILITIES.

And there are about 100 million other Americans who feel exactly the same.

No I am not taking intellectual refuge in groupthink (that is after all what liberals do for a living),

Muslims, and those who would destroy America, and all we stand for...

I'm trying to make it clear to you exactly how wrong you are, in every possible way.

We are NOT all passive victims. In fact those who WOULD be (who would have us ALL be); those who believe we are to blame for your failure, your viciousness, your barbarism... those are the minority; surrounding themselves with an echo chamber of their own opinions, endlessly repeated at"the right" parties and in "the right" newspapers and by "the right" people.

Our press are not our voices, they are not our representatives; they are not, by their own declaration, even Americans (at least not while they are "reporting" the news). They are not Americans; they are the new internationalist, the transnational progressivists, and they are using you.

They are using you as a lever against the America they hate. Against the Capitalist system they hate.

They are using you, because they have no sincere beliefs, and they think that it is impossible that you actually believe what you do. They think that you are really just lying about what you believe, and using that big lie for propaganda purposes "After all, no-one could really believe THAT. How Backward and outlandish".

They are using you, because they want America destroyed, much as you do; and they believe that you cannot possibly succeed, but perhaps in failing, you can weaken America. Perhaps you can weaken America enough for them to take over, to destroy us completely; and to rebuild us in their desired image.

WE are Americans, and WE WILL NOT ever, allow them to take our freedoms, or our rights, and sacrifice them on the altar of collectivist progressivism

WE are Americans, and WE WILL NOT allow you to take our freedoms, or our rights, through political correctness, or fear, or terrorism, or by ANY OTHER MEANS.

WE are Americans, and WE WILL NOT FALTER

WE are Americans, and WE WILL NOT FAIL

WE are Americans, and WE WILL NOT stand for your behavior, celebrating in the streets while thousands of us are killed.

We are a people just as proud, and as fierce as yours in every way, no matter what your leaders tell you. We are not rotted from within, we are not weak, we are not womanish, WE HAVE NOT FALLEN.

WE are Americans, and WE WILL STAND AND FIGHT.

We will fight you with bullets, and with bombs; and we will fight you with ideas, and with ideals.

Muslims, you burn our flags, and our bibles. In your countries the mere posession of them is a crime, punishable by death from stoning.

And you call us barbarous?

Your culture has failed. Your religion is nothing but the lies of a mad man, addled by the sun and syphillis; and driven mad by his equal lusts for power, food, gold, and sex. I have no respect for your religion, and I will not treat it's book as if I do. I do not hate you, but I do not respect you, and I do not revere you, nor will I respect or revere your book.

I do not hate all muslims, even though your religion commands you to enslave me, or kill me. I do not hate all muslims even though your religion compels you to remain in the 14th century.

I do not hate you
I do not fear you
I do not misunderstand you

I pity you

I only wish you could have the benefit of a real civilization. I only wish you would let go of your 14th century failed culture, kill your corrupt leaders, kill your power mad religious zealots, kill your frightened mullahs and imams, KILL THEM; and once you have done so, join the rest of the world.

Until you do so; until you destroy those among you who would bring down our world; until you rid us of them; my hand is turned against you.

So come on Muslims, do your worst.

Just so you know I'm not some right wing religious nut either. I'm a libertarian, and my feelings towards the bible are somewhat less than charitable, but you don't see christians rioting and killing hundreds over a rumor of some bible pages being flushed down the toilet.

Oh and if any assholes decide they'd like to do the real thing, be forewarned, I am heavily armed at all times, my home and car are booby trapped, and I live in Arizona where it is my legal right to kill you to defend myself.

No I'm not kidding, I'm warning you.

I almost feel sorry for the asshole that tries to fuck with me. Almost, but not quite.

Posted by cbyrne at July 6, 2005 12:03 AM | TrackBack
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