July 13, 2005


I was terminated without cause about an hour and a half a go.

The only explanation I recieved was "Your work ahs been excellent, you've done everything we've asked of you; but your management style does not fit with the new direction of this organization".

I asked my boss pprivately and all he could say was "I wish I could tell you what was going on, but I cant. I can say what I can say, and that's it".

I said "why now? did this have to be done before my 90 days was up?" he said that had something to do with it, but he couldnt say any more; that we had to leave it at that.

I've been telling you from the time I took the job that the politics were tough, and that from the time I took the job I was concerned about being fired for stepping on too many toes. The problem is to do the job I had to. I tried to be as light as I could, but I had a lot of doom and gloom things I HAD to do, and people don't like that.

I never went after anyone, but people assumed I did. I found out a few weeks ago that a director whos job he felt I threatened was trying to get me fired; going so far as to tell HR that I "Hated and discriminated against women and inorities". I talked with my boss about it who said "Sorry Chris, I didnt realize how political things were there. Just be careful".

Well I guess I wasn't careful enough.

"I did my job Dan, and I did it damn well" - "Yes, you did, good luck"

That was it.

UPDATE: I was just looking at my logs, and I saw some familiar IP addresses.

Apparently the people at the home office have been doing searches on "Chris Byrne Shooting Koran", and visiting the "Team Infidel" page.

My CIO, and senior VP in Minneapolis are both devout Muslims.

Do the fucking math

Oh and for those of you thinking I should sue? Forget about it; I live in Arizona. Even if I lived in another state, I've been working there for less than 90 days; and was still in my probationary period in which I can be dismissed for any reason without cause.

Posted by cbyrne at July 13, 2005 12:05 PM | TrackBack
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