July 16, 2005

Why did I do it?

Why did I do this: http://anarchangel.blogspot.com/2005/06/team-infidel.html Why did I write this:


Why don't I just keep my head down?
Why did I bring this on my self?
Why dont I just go along to get along?
Why don't I realize that this is all my fault? I could have stayed at my job and wouldn't have this thing with the death threats if I'd just not said anything.
Why do I have to be such an asshole?
Why did I use my real name?
Why am I such an ignorant racist?
Why do I hate muslims?


If you don't understand why I did what I did after reading the links above, nothing else I say will ever explain it to you.

As to why I made it public, why I didnt hide my identity, let me say this: A man stands behind what he does. A man lets you know what he believes in. A man doesn't hide from the consequences of those beliefs.

I have had some slightly frightened and uncomfortable phone calls and emails from a few people mentioned on this web site, obviously trying to appear something other than craven. They didnt succeed.

I have had other phone calls and emails expressing support, and solidarity. There are dozens if not hundreds of people around this country, and indeed around the world who are backing me on this. To those people, I don't know what to say. Thank you.

I have had people call me ignorant, fat, stupid, racist, evil, insensitive, disrespectful...

Mostly I have had people asking me why I did what I did. Really what we did, but I'm the face, I'm the guy doing the burning and the pissing, and I'm the guy speaking out about it.

My fellow infidels, y'all can speak up, or stay silent, but I won't do your speaking for you. I stand behind what I did, but I wont drag anyone else into the line of fire with me.

What I did was specifically in response to the treatment of our military by Newsweek in the false koran "desecration" story, and the corresponding muslim response.

I wanted to make the point that they have to play by OUR rules now. We shouldn’t keep playing by theirs. If we do, we will fail.

When one is constrained by rules of ones enemies choosing, while they accept no such constraints; one has lost any ability to control the initiative. When one concedes the initiative to the enemy, one has lost as surely as if one has laid down their arms.

We need to stop playing by the enemies rules, and force them to play by ours; and make no mistake, Islam is the enemy.

Why don't I regret what I did, why dont I apologize?

I have no regrets about destroying the Koran. Their religion tells them to kill or enslave me, and I have no qualms about destroying their "holy" book. In fact I wont refer to it as desecrating, because that concedes that the printed word of a madman from 1400 years ago is somehow sacred.

I feel much the same about the Bible by the way. Interesting reading, some great teaching, more than a little insanity, but a bible isnt sacred; even if you believe the thoughts within it are. The bible is a book like any other.

In fact muslim reactions to koran "desecration" are themselves sacreligious, because islam specifically warns against idolatry and recommends iconoclasm.

But speaking of the bible, in most muslim countries it is a crime (sometimes punishible by death) to espouse christianity, or in some cases to even posess a bible. Muslims burn bibles, and flags, and hell they even burn American security contractors...

And still we play by their rules.

We are told to be culturally sensitive, to respect others symbols, to respect their cultures... Their culture is trying to destroy mine. Their culture has killed dozens of my friends over the past 5 years. Their culture is repugnant and evil. I WILL NOT respect it.

Are there "good muslims"? Well first, doesn’t that just smack of the old souths "Good niggers"...

Are there muslims who are not trying to destroy my culture, and force me to bend to their religious will? Yes of course there are.

Tell me, how often do you see them denouncing in the streets the actions of their co-religionists? How many of them are hiding and helping these evil murderers? How many of them protest our actions as being "anti-muslim". How many of them simply stand by and do nothing?

I've had muslim roommates, friends, co-workers, even a secular muslim girlfriend once. I don’t CARE what ANYONES religion is. The point at which I start to care is when they try and force anyone else to follow their religion, or to harm others who don’t.

Muslims need to learn something if they wish not to be the enemy, as do Americans as a whole if we wish to survive:

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” -- Edmund Burke

Posted by cbyrne at July 16, 2005 02:29 PM | TrackBack
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