July 20, 2005

Some Long Overdue Blogroll Maintenance

Okay, its been.. I dunno a couple of months since I went through the old blogroll..

http://smokeonthewater.typepad.com (Jim is a good guy, and a good writer, I've jsut been reading him off of Kims site for the last two years ... plus he lives on a boat, which is cool, if cramped)
http://www.sgtpundit.blogspot.com (Another one of the good guys)
http://aarons.cc (I kept reading him off others blogrolls)
http://www.coldfury.com (same)

http://lt-smash.us (the indepundit, same thing)
http://triggerfinger.org (Yeah them too)
http://rivrdog.typepad.com (a fine ranter indeed)


http://averytooley.com/stereo/ (he pretty much stopped posting, which is too bad)
http://moxie.nu/blog.php (again, she stopped posting)
(yet another who stopped posting)

http://www.blueeyedinfidel.com/ (starting to be a broken record here)
http://www.nataliesolent.blogspot.com/ (still posting, but just "I'm Alive" posts)
http://timblair.net/ (stopped posting anything except Aussie politics and making fun of liberal newspapers)

I know I meant to add more, because of some of the great stuff I've read the past few days, but I jsut plain forgot the rest. Time to look through logs...

Posted by cbyrne at July 20, 2005 10:24 AM | TrackBack
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