September 12, 2005


A few weeks ago I noticed something: I'd pretty much stopped caring about how much traffic my blog got.

When I first started, I anticipated every unique visitor like a 16 year old girl looking for a Jr. Prom date.

A few days ago, I passed 250,000 unique visitors (since 1995), and 100,000 since I started this blog February 14th, 2005. Oh and I'm at something like 225,000 page views on the blog, so my average visitor is looking at a little over two pages.

I never even noticed.

Funny enough, it was only July 21st when I was writing about passing the 50k uniqe visitor mark on the blog. 55,070 visitors in 52 days... I hit 7,000 one day (team infidel on a major blog), which was crazy, but most days have been in the 500-700 range.

Of course I've had a lot happen since then, and maybe 1/2 of that traffic has been from team infidel. I had to upgrade my hosting account where the videos are hosted, but I havent had any overages. Mostly folks are mirroring it themselves, which helps.

I write this blog because I have to write, and because I have a lot to say. I write it for me, for my friends, and for anyone who wants to read it.

I guess that's a lot of folks, and for that I think you.

Posted by cbyrne at September 12, 2005 12:28 AM | TrackBack
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