September 15, 2005

Rockstar INXS - Suzie says so long

Am I surprised it was Suzie? No, not really. Yesterday I said it could be her, or J.D. (and should be Mig), and well, here we are...

The viewers choice for the encore was Marty with Trees, but J.D.s fans in the audience chose him to perform pretty vegas... again... four the fourth time... as the opener

The women really do love this guy, and that's what's kept him alive so far.

So, on to the songs:

Suzie - "Suicide Blonde": Funny, another prophetic song, because she tanked it. She knew eshe was gone tonight I think. No real energy, and her performance felt.. unnatural I guess... Stilted. Oh and horrible fashion choice there but hey...

She jsut didn't bring it, and of the four remaining she is the least right for INXS, so that's it. I dont think anything she could have done would have saved here, unless J.D. and Marty so gratuitously sucked...

J.D. - "By My Side": Two bit Elvis, and playing on the sex appeal to the ladies. If the elimination were based on these songs and not the "INXS rightness" factor, he'd be gone.

Mig - "What You Need" : Good one for Migs voice, but he actually went a little rough and ready with his singing. Unfortunately his jumping around the stage and posing jsut reminded me of Zoolander "Blue Steel". He didnt get the depth into the voice he should have, but it was a decent performance. Maybe he was trying to show he could J.D it up so to speak, and change his style. I don't think it really worked, but it was enough. Oh and the shirt ripping thing... what was that man...

Yeah, nobody brought it out tonight, and they all knew Suzie was gone before she went out on stage. It was in their faces while she was singing.

Posted by cbyrne at September 15, 2005 12:10 AM | TrackBack
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